Wednesday 30 September 2015

Rezension: Verblendung ~ Stieg Larsson

Verblendung ~ Stieg Larsson (Millennium #1)

Über das Buch:
ISBN: 978-3453438200
Seiten: 704
Verlag: Heyne
Format: Taschenbuch
Sprache: Deutsch
Preis: 9,99€ (D)




Was geschah mit Harriet Vanger? Während eines Familientreffens spurlos verschwunden, bleibt ihr Schicksal jahrzehntelang ungeklärt. Bis der Journalist Mikael Blomkvist und die Ermittlerin Lisbeth Salander in Auftrag des Onkels recherchieren. Was sie in der vangerschen Familiengeschichte zutage fördern, lässt alle Beteiligten wünschen, sie hätten sich nie mit diesem Fall beschäftigt.

Saturday 26 September 2015


I made some new bookmarks, inspired by the WhatsApp Emoji's and one of my favourite Zentangle patterns.

(Sorry for the bad quality of the photo ... my dad stole my camera and my smartphones camera isn't that good. - He said, he will give it back on friday ...)

Thursday 24 September 2015

TBR-Killer: Update #1

So currently I'm kind of struggling to not buy any book. (Yes, it's day two of the Challenge and I'm already dying!)

I recently started reading "The Girl with the Dragon Tattoo" by Stieg Larsson and I love this book so much so far. His writing style is amazing and I'm struggling not to run to my local bookstore to buy his other two books.

Wednesday 23 September 2015


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Since I have so many books that are on my TBR shelf I wanted to make myself a challenge, to start reading them and stop buying new books every month.
Currently there are 52 books on my TBR shelf and 86 books on my TBR list on Goodreads! - And I keep buying new ones!

So I'm going to set myself a challenge: