Wednesday 24 August 2016

Review: The Black Magician Trilogy ~ Trudi Canavan

The Black Magician Trilogy is Trudi Canavan's first trilogy. It follows a girl named Sonea, who lives in the slums of Imardin. One day she discovers her magical potential and wizards start to hunt her down to force her to join the Magician's Guild. Sonea tries to stay hidden with the help of her friend Cery and the Thieves, who rule over the underground of the slums.

Book One


This year, like every other, the magicians of Imardin gather to purge the city of undesirables. Cloaked in the protection of their sorcery, they move with no fear of the vagrants and miscreants who despise them and their work - until one enraged girl, barely more than a child, hurls a stone at the hated invaders...and effortlessly penetrates their magical shield.
What the Magicians' Guild has long dreaded has finally come to pass. There is someone outside their ranks who possesses a raw power beyond imagining, an untrained mage who must be found and schooled before she destroys herself and her city with a force she cannot yet control.


The story follows the characters of Sonea, her friend Cery and the magicians Rothen and Dannyl. All characters do have a solid background story, they develop evenly throughout the book and they keep all their small little habits.


Story Idea:

The storyline the first book follows isn't that interesting. - Especially the first half. Sonea is just running from the mages and slowly losing her control over her magic. (This is about everything that is happening in the first 250 pages.)
The second half is a bit more interesting, with Sonea being in the Magician's Guild and learning how to control her magic, but you could expect what will be going on.

Writing Style:

Trudi Canavan's writing style is what makes the story enjoyable. She gives a lot of background information about the characters and the history of Kyralia, which is pretty interesting. Also, she is really good at describing emotions, feelings and surroundings without you loosing the track of the story or what is currently happening.

Personal Opinion:

I got into this book with pretty high expectations, because not only I enjoyed the pre-story also two of my friends hyped this book as hell. I was kind of said, that the storyline of this book wasn't really interesting, but a loved the characters straight from the beginning and I just love Trudi Canavan's writing style.

Endrating: 3.5/5 Stars

Book Two


Alone among all the novices in the Magician's Guild, only Sonea comes from lowly beginnings. Yet she has won powerful allies - including Lord Dannyl, newly promoted to Guild Ambassador. But Dannyl must now depart for the Elyne court, leaving Sonea at the mercy of the lies and malicious rumors her enemies are busy spreading...until the High Lord Akkarin steps in. The price of Akkarin's support is dear, however, because Sonea, in turn, must protect his mysteries - and a secret that could lead a young novice mage deep into the darkness.
Meanwhile, Dannyl's first order to resume High Lord Akkarin's long-abandoned research into ancient magical knowledge is setting him on an extraordinary journey fraught with unanticipated peril - as he moves ever-closer to a future both wondrous...and terrible.

The characters and the writing style of Trudi Canavan are just as awesome as in the first book, so I took these sections out of my review so that I won't repeat myself again and again.


Story Idea:

The second book is so much more interesting than the first! - Not only is Sonea finally learning some magic, the subplot where Sonea, Lorlen and Rothen are forced to hide Akkarins secret is absolutely thrilling. The only issue I had with the story were the parts where Dannyl shipped across the sea for ages.

Personal Opinion:

This book absolutely hooked me from the beginning to the end. It took me some time to get through it, because the writing style is kind of a 'slow reading writing style' so you can't read it in one blow.
By the time I was reading this book I told one of my friends who recommended this series to me that I didn't like the first book. - She was totally shocked. - After that, I told her I was loving book two. Then she calmed down a bit. ^^

Endrating: 4.5/5 Stars

Book Three


Sonea has learned much since she was but a penniless urchin possessing an awesome untapped ability. She has earned the grudging respect of her fellow novices and a place in the Magicians' Guild. But there is much she wishes she had never learned - what she witnessed, for example, in the underground chamber of the mysterious High Lord Akkarin . . . and the knowledge that the Guild is being observed closely by an ancient fearsome enemy.
Still, she dares not ignore the terrifying truths the High Lord would share with her, even though she fears it may be base trickery, a scheme to use her astonishing powers to accomplish his dark aims. For Sonea knows her future is in his hands - and that only in the shadows will she achieve true greatness . . . if she survives.


The character development in this book is just amazing! - I've never seen a book who managed to bring in the thoughts and the changing of these thoughts so perfectly!
[Spoiler]: So in the beginning, Sonea still hates Akkarin, then there is some kind of acceptance between them, after he shows her, why he's doing black magic, and then she slowly falls in love with him, but she still has these thoughts about "will he feel the same" and "does he mean it". She isn't one of these characters who falls in love with another character and suddenly forgets all the things he has done. And even when they got together in the end, she is still worried about that he just might be using her feelings for his own good.

Story Idea:

The storyline was just perfection! You were so curios of what will happen next and there where so many plot twists in this book.


Personal Opinion:

I couldn't have imagined a better ending for the trilogy. - Well, I could, but it's just one little tiny thing that should have been different. ([Spoiler]: Why had Akkarin to die? TwT)
I've never read a series, where the first book was the worst and the ongoing books where just getting better and better. - And I'm currently really thinking about buying the Sonea trilogy ...


Endrating: 5/5 Stars

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