Sunday 21 August 2016

The Fifty Bookish Questions Tag

Hello, and welcome to my first weekly blog! Here I'll post a weekly discussion, TAG or just a view into my reading and my life. The entries will be posted ever Sunday.
Today I'll be doing the Fifty Bookish Questions book tag. I found this tag on mylittlebookblog's blog. So let's get started!


1. What was the last book you read?

The Novice by Trudi Canavan


2. Was it a good one?



3. What made it good?

Trudi Canavan's writing style combined with the awesome storyline. - I'll post a review on all three books of the Black Magician series when I'm finished with the last book.


4. Would you recommend it to other people?


5. How often do you read?

I try to read every day, but when I have Uni I have to do loads of homework and sometimes because of that I don't have the time to read.

6. Do you like to read?

Yes, I do.

7. What was the last bad book you read?

I think it was The Book of Lies by Brad Meltzer.

8. What made you dislike it?

This book is titled a Thriller. I had pretty high expectations into that "Thriller" because I love Sebastian Fitzeks works, who is, in my opinion, the best german (Psycho) Thriller author. - And this book was just boring. I survived about 50 pages then I had to put it away because it was so boring and the writing wasn't making that any better.

9. Do you wish to be a writer?

I think it would be awesome to be a writer! - But I still have to work on planning my storeys properly ...

10. Has any book ever influenced you greatly?

I think this is a hard question ... I've read some books where I suddenly got thoughts like "oh, you could do that, too" or "that could be fun". And recently with The Black Magician trilogy I kind of have the urge to study for my next semester at Uni.

11. Do you read fan fiction?

Sometimes ...

12. Do you write fan fiction?


13. What's your favorite book?

Can any book nerd answer that properly? - If I would have to choose I think I would go with Ready Player One by Ernest Cline, but Cinder by Marissa Meyer is also very good and you don't have to forget ...

14. What's your least favorite book?

The Sorrows of Young Werther by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe

15. Do you prefer physical books or read on a device?

Physical copy. I love to have something in my hands while reading and you don't get the feeling of turning the pages when you read on an e-Reader.

16. When did you learn to read?

I think in grade one. - I can't remember if we had reading lessons in preschool.

17. What is your favorite book you had to read in school?

For my German class that would be Faust, Part One by Johann Wolfgang von Goethe - for my English class it would be Give a Boy a Gun by Morton Rue.

18. What is your favorite book series?

This is just like the question of picking for favorite book, but I'll go with the Skulduggery Pleasant series by Derek Landy.

19. Who is your favorite author?

Sebastian Fitzek. He's my auto-buy-author.

20. What is your favorite genre?

Science Fiction

21. Who is your favorite character in a book series?

Carswell Throne from the Lunar Chronicles

22. Has a book ever transported you somewhere else?

I think every book transports you into another world.

23. Which book do you wish had a sequel?

Skullduggery Pleasant or Miss Peregrines Peculiar Children - There need to be more books in these series!!!

24. Which book do you wish DIDN'T have a sequel?

Twilight by Stephanie Meyer

25. How long does it take you to read a book?

It depends a lot on the length of the book and the free time I've got. I can read a 400-page book in a day without any problems, but when I'm busy it can also take me a week for that 400-page book. 

26. Do you like when books become movies?

I think it depends on the book and who is directing that movie.

27. Which book was ruined by its movie adaption?

City of Bones by Cassandra Clare - The worst movie I've ever watched. This movie just consists of spoilers and bad acting.

28. Which movie has done a book justice?

Divergent by Veronica Roth 

29. Do you read newspapers?

Not really.

30. Do you read magazines?

From time to time.

31. Do you prefer newspapers or magazines?

Since I don't read newspapers, I'll go with magazines ...

32. Do you read while in bed?


33. Do you read while on the toilet?

Sometimes ...

34. Do you read while in the car?

Yes. - I used to get sick in the car when I was younger, but now I don't have any problems with that anymore.

35. Do you read while in the bath?

I usually shower and even if I would take a bath, I wouldn't take a book with me because I would be scared to drop it into the bathtub.

36. Are you a fast reader?

I think so.

37. Are you a slow reader?

I can't be a slow reader if I'm a fast one, can I?

38. Where is your favorite place to read?

On my sofa which stands right in front of my window.

39. Is it hard for you to concentrate while you read?

Sometimes, but when I'm hooked with the story I sometimes can't put the book away for hours.

40. Do you need a room to be silent while you read?

I've got problems reading when somebody is constantly talking right beside me, but I'm able to listen to music while reading.

41. Who gave you your love for reading?

I kind of re-discovered reading by watching a lot of booktube and then signing up to Goodreads.

42. What book is next on your list to read?

The Lord of the Rings by J. R. R. Tolkien

43. When did you start to read chapter books?

I think I started at the age of eight with Harry Potter.

44. Who is your favorite children's book author?

I recently discovered Diana Wynne Jones who wrote Howl's Moving Castle and I really enjoy her writing style. But I think the best "children's book" author from my childhood would be Joanne K. Rowling because I grew up reading Harry Potter.

45. Which author would you most want to interview?

Ransom Riggs because I think he's kind of an interesting person. Or Sebastian Fitzek.

46. Which author do you think you'd be friends with?

Sarah J. Maas. I've watched some interviews with her and I think she's a pretty cool person.

47. What book have you reread the most?

The Hunger Games by Suzanne Collins

48. Which books do you consider "classics"?

I think classics are these books you could end up reading in school.

49. Which books do you think should be taught in every school?

I think especially in my English classes it would have been awesome to read at least the first Harry Potter book at some point and Alice in Wonderland. Also in my German classes we, only read these extremely boring old german classics and never a "new" book. It would have been so much better to read some new, interesting german literature.

50. Which books should be banned from all schools?

The Sorrows of Young Werther, because it's the most boring book ever. Also, The Reader by Bernhard Schlink because it's so embarrassing to read about sex and sexuilty in a german class, especially when you've got to read that part out loud in class.

50 Bookish Questions Tag -- Bookfoxy


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. I just completed this on my blog! I'd love for you to check it out :) This was SO FUN! I'm so glad I found this post!
